Safety and avalanche rescue training
Would you like to improve your avalanche risk management? Check our trainings!The most important thing when freeriding in open terrain is solid knowledge of how to use the avalanche rescue equipment. However, in order to recognize and avoid risky situations, it’s useful to know more details about the complex topic of snow patterns.
That’s why in our course we build on the basis of your knowledge and your past experience to give you the most out of it. Thus, we split our course in two levels:
Basic level: No previous experience necessary; we teach you the fundamentals about the rescue equipment (avalanche transeiver, probe and shovel), explain to you the pros and cons of the newest devices, test the most up-to-date avalanche transeivers on the market; we exercise in theory and in the field the search of an avalanche victim.
Expert level: Fundamental understanding of the functions and the use of avalanche transeivers and the search for avalanche victims is required and you should have already done some skiing tours by yourself in the terrain. On the basis of your knowledge we’ll go deeper into rescue situations, if requested also with some exercises in the field (e.g. a complex avalanche exercise with multiple victims buried alive). The focus of the course is to learn how to plan the best and safest route with the help of the latest avalanche report, the current terrain situation as well as dangerous hazards and the weather condition. You will learn how & why avalanches can come down by analysing and understanding the structue of the snow blanket.
1 Day training: We meet in the skiing area (ticket station at 9am), where we’ll check our equipment and hand out equipment which we can lend you if requested. We start with basic exercises and repetitions in the safe skiing area. Later on we’ll exercise the full procedure and all necessary techniques of the avalanche rescue search in the terrain under appropriate circumstances. Then we’ll analyse the structure of the snow blanket in a suitable spot in the terrain so that you’ll get a better understanding of the conditions in the various expositions and steepnesses. In the field we’ll train the most used strategies (stop or go..) while freeriding downhills.
2 Day training: same like 1 day, however, with a more detailled theorie presentation and background information in the evening; the 2 day course offers the possibility to go much deeper into the topic.
For this course no previous knowledge is needed. A sufficient skiing technique in terrain is however required, as at most of our courses. In case you only want to learn the avalanche rescue basics, a few swings next tot he skiing slopes are enough.
1 Day avalanche and rescue basics course starts at a fee of 80€.
1 Person: 330€ // 2 Person: 180€ pP // 3 Person: 140€ pP // 4 Person: 110€ pP // 5 Person: 95€ pP // 6 Person: 80€ pP
The pricing includes:
- guiding by an UIAGM certified mountain guide (incl. also his fees)
- avalanche equipment (beacon, probe & shovel by Pieps), equipment for testing by other companies
not included are:
- your lift ticket
- lunch

Any questions?
+43-677-61162620 or via mail: info(@)
“Everyone who wants to move in open skiing terrain, away from the secured slopes has to be in control of avalanche equipment and rescue basics. Regular training reduced the search and increased the chances in case of a burial tremendously. In order that you effectively recognize and avoid hazardous areas, in our courses we teach you the needed know-how of snow and avalanche awareness!”